(No August Council-not enough Chiefs present Great Law Reading taking place)

Firekeepers opened Council at 10:15 a.m.
All sides agreed on minutes and set agenda

#1 Great Law Report- Gloria Thomas-oral report from Gloria Thomas and Brenda Mitten. Written report coming from Gloria.
Cayugas question Butch Thomas sitting on bench.
Mohawks question if Great Law Committee has the mandate to say where left over money goes.
All sides accepted Gloria’s report and thanked her for report.
Passed to put report in the newspapers.

#2. Burtch Letters-Passed all sides agreed to get together and write a letter in response to the 3 letters. Roger Silversmith-Cayuga, Arnold Hill-Oneida, Allan MacNaughton-Mohawk, Cleve Thomas & Toby Williams-Onondaga, Leroy Hill-Cayuga
Thursday, September 8 2016 5:30 Cleve Thomas has original letters.
#3-FinanceReport-Myron Hill and Colin Martin- request from Myron Hill to the finance board for help.
Passed. All sides agreed and thanked him for his work.
Myron to work with finance board about compensation and t0 bring it back to council.
Separate Issue:
Myron Hill wants direction on who should get a medicine mask, how many, etc., He also want someone to vouch for the person who wants a mask.

#4 H.D.I. Report-Aaron Detlor
Report on “Daisy Group”

Gloria Thomas reported on governance and moving forward committee.
All side agreed and accepted the reports and thanked the people for their work.
Written reports to follow.

Firekeepers closed Council.
Council closed at 4:09 p.m.